virtualbox での共有フォルダのマウント

環境: v3.2.12, ホスト Windows7 x64, ゲスト ubuntu 10.10


$ sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=1000,fmode=0755,dmode=0755 my-work work
$ ls -la work
drwxr-xr-x 1 j_m j_m     0 2010-09-10 03:13 test-dir
drwxr-xr-x 1 j_m j_m     0 2010-11-21 05:30 test-file


$ sudo mount.vboxsf
Usage: mount.vboxsf [OPTIONS] NAME MOUNTPOINT
Mount the VirtualBox shared folder NAME from the host system to MOUNTPOINT.

  -w                    mount the shared folder writably (the default)
  -r                    mount the shared folder read-only
  -n                    do not create an mtab entry
  -o OPTION[,OPTION...] use the mount options specified

Available mount options are:
     rw                 mount writably (the default)
     ro                 mount read only
     uid=UID            set the default file owner user id to UID
     gid=GID            set the default file owner group id to GID
     ttl=TTL            set the "time to live" to TID for the dentry
     dmode=MODE         override the mode of all directories to (octal) MODE
     fmode=MODE         override the mode of all regular files to (octal) MODE
     umask=UMASK        set the umask to (octal) UMASK
     dmask=UMASK        set the umask applied to directories only
     fmask=UMASK        set the umask applied to regular files only
     iocharset CHARSET  use the character set CHARSET for I/O operations
                        (default set is utf8)
     convertcp CHARSET  convert the folder name from CHARSET to utf8

Less common used options: